Summer Scholarships for Middle School Boys
at the
Community Foundation of Howard County, Inc (CFHO)

Dr. Hussein honoring scholarship recipients at the 2019 scholarship award ceremony held in Howard County.
WHY: “African American and Hispanic young men are an endangered species” declares," Dr. Hussein. Too many populate juvenile facilities, are expelled from school, survive on the streets and head to detention sites. We must find ways to provide opportunities for their success in life. See Blog Page for more about Why.
WHY in Howard County: In the 2015-2016 school year, 9 of the 20 Middle Schools had from 25% to 50% of their student population receiving Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL). This is an indicator of the rate of children in income-constrained households. Most of these children were from minority populations. Howard County, among the wealthiest in the nation has the resources and the community spirit to do Something to remedy this situation.
ONE SOLUTION: Dr. Hussein, a Health Equity expert, established the Carlessia Hussein Scholarship Fund in 2015 at the Community Foundation of Howard County. The purpose is to offer enrichment opportunities during the summer break that help chart a path to success.
Scholarship Purposes:
- Provide experiences to build leadership skills.
- Provide experiences to achieve in school.
- Provide experiences to help boys find their dream.
- Provide experiences to succeed in life.
Click to download Scholarship Flier
DONATE to the Howard County Fund - Tax Deductible
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Make check out to CFHOCO
Write Hussein Scholarship on the check memo line
Mailing Address:
Community Foundation of Howard County (CFHOCO)
6680 Martin Road
Columbia, MD 21044
Reports to Donors (click to read)
Video Introduction of the Fund