“From the Mouths of the Boys”: 2018 Applicants in Howard County speak out.
The Howard County 2018 application cycle generated 26 applications, 3 times the number
received in 2017. In their own words, the boys told about their interest and hopes for
how the summer scholarship funds would help them.
“I want to participate in the program to improve my English. I hope to learn to write and read English.”
“The program gives me more opportunity to extend my learning, so I can be more productive during the summer while learning.”
“I hope to learn more about science and math which I could also improve.”
“I am not very good at writing and if I could take this program I think it would help me get better at it.”
“I find that the course description shows things that I find interesting, like fingerprinting and DNA analysis.”
“I need a little more help with reading and with math. I want to have fun and learn a lot and do a lot of home work, so I can learn more.”
“This program would enrich my knowledge and prepare me for the future, just like Dr. Seuss said “The more you read the more places you’ll go. I hope to learn how to speak in front of people.”
“I am not very good at writing. And I need to get better at Math.”
“I hope to learn about planets. I am very interested in outer space.”
“I have always been interested in artistic careers, like architecture. I hope to explore artistic areas and learn about the business world. This combination seems to address what I want to explore; entrepreneurship tied to my artistic side.”
“I want to experience various styles of art. I hope to learn about art and golf.”
“I would like to do better in math and succeed in school in all my classes.”
“From the Mouths of the Boys”
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“It will help me learn things that I will see next school year. I would like to be more prepared for school, so I can feel more confident.”
“It is my opportunity to be productive and have fun. I hope to learn how to play golf.”
“I think it is a really nice program. I really enjoy JavaScript its one of my passions. So, I think this would be a really good thing for me.”
“I want to work on my English and my drawing skills.”
“I think it is going to be fun and I want to learn more English.”
“To get a better understanding of what I will be doing in high school and so I don’t forget everything I learned.”
“I want to participate in this program to learn how to create game apps.”
“I want to build, create, and discover through artistic engineering. I hope to learn a lot.”
“I want to be better prepared for the 9th grade and I hope to learn something new or grow my learning.”
“I want to participate so that I can go advanced with my education. I hope to learn new things.”
“This program will help prepare me for the new school year. Better study habits and get better grades next year.”
Quotes are taken from applications submitted by each child. They answered the question: Why is this scholarship program important to you? The statements were shared in a rolling PowerPoint during the May 18 Awards Ceremony.